School Terms & Conditions

Welcome to SN Mandarin! We are excited to support you on your journey to achieving your Chinese learning goals. We believe that your dedication, combined with our comprehensive services, will help you reach new heights in mastering this fascinating language.

Please carefully review the following Terms & Conditions. After completing your registration and payment, please sign and return the document to confirm your understanding and agreement.


Documentation Requirements

Please provide the necessary information the school requires, including contact details, a valid passport, a visa, and a medical report (only for X1). Make the necessary payments as specified in the contract, where detailed fees and services are listed. Failure to provide complete documentation or make timely payments may result in services being suspended or withheld.


Class and Group Size

  • Each lesson, whether group or private, is 45 minutes long.
  • Small group classes have a minimum of 3 students and a maximum of 10 students.
  • If there are fewer than 3 students, class hours will be shortened by one-third, but the overall course progress and objectives will be maintained.
  • If an 11th or additional students wish to join, the school must obtain the consent of all current students and a 5% refund of the tuition fee will be given to each student after the new student(s) successfully join.


Holidays and Attendance

Classes will follow official Chinese holiday schedules. The school reserves the right to adjust class times to accommodate changes in holiday schedules or other needs. Classes missed due to personal reasons, such as arriving late, leaving early, or absence will be considered absences. These classes will not be made up, and absences without a written notice to the school may impact your attendance record, potentially affecting course completion or student visa renewal. Therefore, please inform the school in advance and make an effort to keep up with the class progress.


Schedule, Adjustment, and Cancellation

All course schedules listed on the website or pricing sheets are samples. The final course schedule will be confirmed one month before the class starts, based on enrollment and teaching arrangements.

  • For Group Classes: If you wish to make changes to your course arrangements after the class has started, a written notice must be submitted within two weeks. Changes will only be made if feasible and will not be available beyond two weeks after the course start date.
  • For Private Lessons: Both teachers and students must notify each other at least 24 hours in advance if a class needs to be canceled or rescheduled. Otherwise, the student will be required to sign the class record as completed, or the teacher must provide a make-up class free of charge if the cancellation was initiated by the teacher with less than 24 hours’ notice.


  • 对于班课:若开课后需更改课程安排,请于开课两周内提交书面申请,更改仅在可行时生效,开课两周后不再接受调课申请。
  • 对于私课:若因个人原因需取消或调整课程,师生双方需提前24小时通知对方。未按时通知的,学生需补签临时取消的课程记录,视为已上课处理;老师如因个人原因未提前24小时通知取消课程,需无偿补课。

Cancellation and Refund Policy

All courses must be completed within the agreed timeframe from the start date. If not, the remaining lessons will be deemed forfeited with no lesson transfer or refund available. The down payment is non-refundable in cases of cancellation or failure to complete the course within the timeframe.

  • Within Two Weeks of the Course Start: Tuition will be refunded minus the cost of classes already taken.
  • After Two Weeks of Course Start: Tuition for classes taken up to the cancellation date will be deducted, and 20% of the remaining tuition fee will be charged as a cancellation fee.

For more detailed information, please refer to the Course Cancellation and Refund Policy. The registration fee is non-refundable.


  • 开课两周内取消:扣除已上课时费后退还学费。
  • 开课两周后取消:扣除已上课时费后,未上课时费用的20%将作为取消费用扣除。

Final Note

We wish you a happy, enjoyable, and successful Chinese learning journey!
All rights and obligations are clearly stated above. Any verbal agreements or promises made by the staff are considered invalid and unenforceable. SN Mandarin reserves the right to interpret and explain the aforementioned terms and conditions.

所有权利和义务已在上述条款中明确说明。任何工作人员口头承诺均无效。SN Mandarin保留对上述条款进行解释的权利。

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